Sunday, May 23, 2010

Explosions In The Sky

My goodness. I love this band. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not at all a fan of instrumental music, but's that's not what Explosions in the Sky is. Regular instrumentals are all very alike. Basically what they are is classic music taken by musicians stripped of their lyrics, and left with just a slightly catchy tune that doesn't keep the listener wanting more. As Simon Cowell says it, "It's like eating ice. You're eating something, but it never leaves you completely satisfied," but like I've said, that's not at all what this band is like. They're not just instrumentals. It's hard to explain but there's something about their sound that's just pure, and wonderful.

I accidentally came across them, and I'd like to tell people they need to listen to this band, but honestly, they don't -- they have to. Explosions in the sky coordinates the sound of their music (instead of lyrics) with the titles of their songs, and it helps tell a deeper story. They're absoulutely wonderful. They don't need lyrics to explain their emotions, or to impact music fans. It's kind of like a secret language, and it's almost enough to make you cry. 

They have plain, wholesome instrumentals, and personally, I feel that is a big portion of what's missing in today's so called "music" industry. What ever happened to the beautiful sounds of Ludwig van Beethoven, or other classics? Oh, that's right. They got replaced by Justin Beiber, because apparently, "And I was like, 'baby, baby, baby ohhh. Like baby, baby, baby noo. Like baby, baby, baby ohh'," are the best lyrics ever set in the minds of humans. Honestly, folks, I must say my generation is doomed to a fiery pit of terrible music.

More over, I took the liberty of making some of their songs the backround music for my blog, so go ahead and scroll near the bottom right of this page where my play list tool is and check them out. I made my favorite song by them, So Long Lonesome, the first on the list so make sure to listen to that also. 

In a world where the majority of music is no longer based on thought or feeling, but whether you have a boyish cute smile that will sell millions of songs or not, it's great to come by a few good people that are still doing it right. Go listen to Explosions in the Sky. Even if you discover their not your taste, alls well that well.

Anyways, I don't want to sound like a teenage girl who's overly obsessing on the topic of music, so I will end this.

Follow my blog, ohmyjulia!

Goodbye for now,


  1. Julia, you're trying a little too hard.

  2. Okay.. Sorry.. Since this is my blog I thought I could post whatever. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Julia-

    You're awesome and if you stop writing I'll cry.

    That is all.
