Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vintage Bicycles! It's beautiful.

Recently I've had a break through -- I want a bike. Just about thirty years ago a bike was what every kid wanted for their birthday, Christmas, maybe even Hanukkah. Unfortunately, nowadays, gifting doesn't get much more original other than the classic gift card. Anyways, I guess you could say that it was a spontaneous idea. My birthday party was a few days ago, and if your mind works like the average overly excited child (like mine) you've probably thought about what you want for you're next birthday, right after the day of your most recent one. 

It's not like I've never had a bike before. I've had many bikes when I was younger living in my house in Oregon. However, as the years progressed they became older and dustier in my garage, and then eventually nonexistent when my parents had to give them away. After a few years of being bike-less, I guess I'm not really sure why I would like to have a bike again other than the fact that they can be a plain ol' good time.

The other day I was browsing around on the internet -- doing a little web shopping, and I went to the Urban Outfitters website where I then discovered the Urban Outfitters Bike Shop (UO Bike Shop).  I died at how beautiful their bikes were. Urban Outfitters teamed up with Republic Bike, so now several bikes from Republic Bike are being sold on In fact, if you go to the site right now, I believe you'll be able to find a link to the bicycles on the bottom left corner of the homepage. Also, if you didn't already know, the bikes from Republic Bike are custom made (Even better right?). This means potential buyers are able to select colors on certain bike details, add skirts, or chain cases. In addition, the bicycles only go for a little bit under four hundred dollars (not including shipping). To some people this may seem like a large amount of money for a bike -- and it is. However, if you think about it, that's a pretty sweet deal for a customized bike that's absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, the one detail that isn't very customizable are the frame sizes. Since there isn't a very wide range of bike sizes/heights if you're generally smaller than the average American (like me) some bikes may not be very comfortable to ride. 

There are three types of bikes Republic Bike can customize for customers, which include: an aristotle, aristotle CRMO (It's a bit more expensive at $459), or plato. Aristotle bikes are multi-purpose and single speed, while Aristotle CRMOs are generally the same as regular aristotles besides their unique handle bars, and platos are for upright riding, and a simple stroll. Personally, I'd like to get my hands on a plato. I'm really into the vintage flair they give off, and the comfort aspects of riding one. I'm really not into the leaning over the handle bars type of ride, and because of that, an aristotle bike isn't an option for me.

Aristotle Bike.

Plato bicycle.

I'd really like to get my hands on a Republic Bike bicycle sometime. However, as much as I'd like to say I can afford a four hundred dollar bicycle, at the moment I cannot. Maybe in the future though, but for now I'll be adoring them from a distance. :)



  1. Hey Julia! Check craigslist, you are bound to find great bikes at low prices and you will save hundreds! Love you girl!(Tracey)

  2. Oh so you want a bike now? hahahha. really. Like your sister.

  3. Gee.. I wonder whos posting on my blog.. Alyanna.. Hmm.. Thanks a lot..
